Vulnerability/Opening Up
Our figure stands in frame as bare as she can possibly be, her hair tied back exposing her face as a symbol of her baring all, we have a shadow overcast of blinds(aptly named) across her face because as she stands at this window…visible, she opens herself up to the view and opinions of others.”
The thought of baring one’s self to another comes with a host of challenges. From the possible freedom it gives you innately to the possible loss of someone or a relationship you hold dear. I have always believed we as humans are as flawed as we are beautiful, therefore how open we are as people cannot be decided for us.
One cannot be pressured into letting someone in, and a person’s reluctance to share may not always be due to a lack of trust, neither does it mean you don’t hold a significant place in their hearts, but if they did bare themselves…will you understand them? Or will you pull away?
One needs to be certain of these things and even come to terms with their reality before they share. We are all built differently, your ability to share with ease may not be the other party’s strong point. They may need more time, it is important that in that time, they have support, they have your company and know that should they open up…you would be there.
It takes a little to be there for a person and that is something we need to learn, at times we distance ourselves for fear that being invested in another person takes a chunk of energy, time and space, but all in all we must remember that one does not necessarily have to be physically present to have a presence.